
sl-prokeys was born April 5, 1995

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total sl-prokeys hits since April, 2003

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 2:45pm, my wife of 34 years, Rebecca, died in my arms in an emergency room.

The last words we spoke were in perfect synchronization: "I love you with all my heart."



ProKeys hits since April, 2003



"Serve Somebody" and "Hip Hug Her"


Steve Leigh playing a real ProKeys Hammond and three real ProKeys Leslies with the MGs - Duck Dunn, Steve Potts, and Steve Cropper

If you like this video, check this page

Since 1995, we've been here.  We've tried to support Hammond enthusiasts since ProKeys started. 

We've provided free help, free info, and free phone support for hundreds (or thousands) of our Hammond friends.  We've sent free parts around the world, and sometimes, we've paid for the shipping, expecting to be reimbursed.  Possibly, our generosity is the reason for over $550.00 in unpaid UPS charges in less than one year.

In April, 2003, we started using our own COUNT program.  The ProKeys pages have been viewed quite a few times since then.  Prior to that, we estimate well over four million hits from 1995-2003, when we used the old page counters - but that's only an estimate. 

Thousands of people have found the ProKeys pages to be a helpful, valuable, free resource for Hammond and Leslie info. 

Many of our techniques have become standard procedure worldwide.  Some of our secrets have been shared publicly.  Plenty of our secrets are still secrets.  Most of our secrets will probably die with me.     

Times have changed, though.  Our experience goes back to 1963.  Maybe you'd like our experience, free knowledge, free technical tricks, and free secrets.  Maybe you wouldn't mind our expertise and free answers to your Hammond and Leslie questions. 

Times have changed.

There are plenty of self-appointed "Hammond techs" that virtually live on internet message groups.  Their "technical advice" is free. 

However, free is affordable to all.  Have you ever met anyone that couldn't afford free? 

These ProKeys Leslies are absolutely free. 

Special handling charges are only $25,000.00 each.

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